Beijer Ref is a technology-oriented trade group that offers its customers competitive solutions in the field of refrigeration and air conditioning.
Beijer Ref offers a number of innovative services to its independent sales companies to support business processes.
Beijer Ref is a technology-oriented trade group that offers its customers competitive solutions in the field of refrigeration and air conditioning.
Beijer Ref offers a number of innovative services to its independent sales companies to support business processes.
Beijer Ref and Beijer Ref Support BV adhere to a comprehensive Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) policy, focused on CO2 reduction, sustainable use of resources, responsible waste management, and working with green systems. Employee and management involvement with the local community is essential. We promote ethical business practices and respect human rights, diversity, and gender equality. Beijer Ref upholds principles of good corporate governance and collaborates with environmentally conscious manufacturers. We ensure that all our products meet the strictest environmental standards and have low energy consumption. Our policy and approach to sustainability and ethics ensure long-term appreciation and partnership with stakeholders.
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